Platform to Rate Organisms Bred for Improved Traits and Yield (PROBITY)

Agriculture is under pressure to increase the yield and nutritional density of food crops while also mitigating and responding to climate change. Innovative approaches such as precision breeding will be key to achieving this.

The PROBITY project sees precision-bred crop varieties being grown by farmers for the first time in Europe. Three cereal varieties will be trialled and scrutinised by farmers, scientists and food manufacturers in an open and transparent forum.

PROBITY brings farmers, scientists and food manufacturers together to trial the production and processing of precision-bred crops to accelerate understanding of their value to sustainable food and farming.

Led by the British On-Farm Innovation Network (BOFIN), PROBITY is a three-year £2.2m multi-partner project, funded by Defra’s Farming Innovation Programme, which is delivered by Innovate UK.