TRUTH is ‘Thriving Roots Underpinning Total soil Health’. This is a is a three-year £1m research programme, led by BOFIN alongside four partners. It aims to set up a new farmer-led platform to quantify and evaluate soil/root interactions and explore the capabilities of a novel sensor, that can ‘smell’ a soil’s biological signature.
SLIMERS stands for ‘Strategies Leading to Improved Management and Enhanced Resilience against Slugs’. This project is led by BOFIN, partnered with CHAP, AGRIVATION, Harper Adams University, John Innes Centre, and Small Robot Company. It is funded by Defra Farming Innovation Programme, delivered by Innovate UK.
‘Nitrogen efficient plants for Climate Smart arable cropping systems’ – or the NCS project – is a farmer-led research programme, involving 17 industry and research partners and over 200 farmers. Its main aim is to enable UK Farming to bring about a reduction of 1.5MtCO₂e per annum or 54% of the maximum potential for the industry.
PROBITY is ‘A Platform to Rate Organisms Bred for Improved Traits and Yield’. It is a three-year multi-partner project £2.2m, funded by Defra’s Farming Innovation Fund, delivered by Innovate UK and led by the British On-Farm Innovation Network (BOFIN).