What is a Citizen Scientist?
A citizen scientist is an individual who voluntarily contributes to scientific research, often without formal scientific training. These contributions can range collecting data and reporting what they see to number crunching and, even shaping scientific studies. Citizen scientists typically work with professional scientists or research institutions and participate in various fields such as astronomy, ecology, environmental monitoring, and more.
What is a BOFIN Citizen Scientist?
All of the work BOFIN does involves leading scientists and industry experts. But sometimes, the best people to carry out the research are the many people of all ages who take a keen interest in nature, or gardeners who share many of the same challenges as farmers. This is why we’re also keen to work with you, our citizen scientists, and need your help! Citizen science projects often involve the public in activities such as:
Data Collection
Sharp-eyed volunteers might observe wildlife, measure environmental conditions, or send in creepy crawlies to the lab.
Data Analysis
Some projects need many eyes to look over lots of large sets of data, such as identifying creatures within images to help train AI.
Gathering information from a large number of people to study trends or patterns, like tracking the type of slugs found in gardens.