How you can get involved with BOFIN

At BOFIN we want to bridge the gap between scientists and farmers through knowledge exchange. Anyone can join BOFIN and our community circles for free and with no obligation. However if you would like to have a more hands-on an approach, we invite you to get involved as an on-farm trialist. This enables you to get paid for your work, and directly contribute to science.


While it’s primarily for farmers, especially those who take part in or have an interest in on-farm trials, we’re also keen for scientists to join the network, and anyone in the industry at the cutting edge of innovation.

We’ll aim to keep you informed on the latest information on on-farm trials, but we’ll only email you if we think there’s something of particular interest. BOFIN also acts as a hub to share information, tips and ideas, and we’re keen to hear from farmers in the network and aim to publish results and other items of interest. Thank you

BOFIN Communities

The Slug Circle

The Slug Circle is the BOFIN Knowledge Cluster for the SLIMERS project of those with special interest, including scientists and members of the public. If you want to contribute to discussions, please join.

The Soil Circle

The Soil Circle is the BOFIN Knowledge Cluster for the TRUTH project of those with special interest, including scientists and members of the public. If you want to be able to contribute to discussions, please join.

The Grassweed Circle


PulsePEP is the BOFIN Knowledge Cluster for the NCS project of those with special interest, including scientists and members of the public. If you want to be able to contribute to discussions, please join.

BOFIN Trialist Opportunities

Become a Pulse Pioneer

Become a Pulse Pioneer and be paid to test novel concepts, crop rotations, ideas, products, rations and sensors. Register interest below: