SFC stands for ‘Soil Fungal Communities’. This was a project to establish the level of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in arable soils across a range of locations, soil types and management systems. The project, led by Dr Tom Thirkell, complements work undertaken at CSC into sustainable crop nutrition.
SRW stands for ‘Slug-Resistant Wheat’. This was a project to explore the properties of Watkins 788, a landrace wheat believed to be resistant to slugs, never before been grown in the UK. The project aimed to test in field to confirm properties indicated in lab-based feeding trials.
HWSC stands for ‘Harvest Weed Seed Control’. This was a project that aimed to explore harvest weed seed control (HWSC) under UK conditions as a method aiming to control grass weeds and reduce the dependence on chemical control, and in particular glyphosate.