
‘Flaggable Things’

We hope that you can explore this post of initiatives that may well capture your interest! Get in touch to let us know about your initiatives so that we can share them in our Newsletter! We would also love to hear any comments or thoughts on shared initiatives below in the comments section!

The Research Starter competition funds farmers, growers and foresters with ambitious, early-stage ideas to increase productivity and environmental sustainability in agriculture or horticulture.

Defra and Innovate UK work together via the Farming Innovation Programme to deliver the Research Starter competition.

For this competition, the Innovate UK KTN AgriFood team provides one-to-one support to help applicants to refine their initial ideas into a project, identify the right partners to work with to take it forward, and complete the final stage of the application process.

CHAP’s New Innovations Workshop – Alternative Proteins

CHAP is conducting its second stakeholder workshop as part of a series aimed at gathering insights from the food and farming sector and related industries. The workshop focuses on discussing primary challenges, innovative solutions, and creating a business case to secure funding for CHAP’s efforts in fostering sector adaptation, addressing market gaps, and facilitating pivotal advancements in the industry. 

Farm Carbon Toolkit’s Annual Field Day

During the day they will showcase all the ways in which farmers are already changing farming practice to respond to the need to reduce emissions and build on farm carbon within resilient farm businesses.

They will also share insights from the work they are doing supporting farmers to reduce GHG emissions and remove carbon into soils and biomass. This involves key elements of the transition to a nature friendly decarbonisation of agriculture. 

Opportunity for a funded BioNomad™ micro Anaerobic Digestion (AD) system
As part of their commercial launch strategy, EcoNomad Solutions has secured funding through the Energy Entrepreneurs Fund (run by DESNZ) to subsidise a number of commercial demonstrator installations of the BioNomad™ v1.0 systems here in the UK.
Their partners for these sites will trial a BioNomad™ system on their farm, helping to gather valuable operational data and user feedback on how to best integrate the system into existing farm operations. They aim to showcase the versatility and benefits of their simplified, small-scale on-farm AD solution. In return, the pioneering partners will benefit from an attractive package of subsidised equipment and support from EcoNomad – as well as free biogas and biofertiliser produced by the system.

Does this sound like something you could help with? If so, click below to provide a few details. A researcher will then be in touch with further information!

The Pulse YEN (Yield Enhancement Network) is a pulse crop network for farmers, advisors, industry and scientists that is jointly facilitated by ADAS and PGRO. It has been operating since 2016 and has had more than 250 crop entrants since then. The Pulse YEN works by farmers entering one or more of their combining pea or field bean crops into the Pea YEN or Bean YEN networks respectively. Information is then collected about the crop, inputs, soil and weather, which is then used to explain how the crop achieved its yield and identify aspects of crop management and the growing environment that could be changed to increase crop performance. The Pulse YEN forms an important part of contributing to the NCS project objectives by:

a) Engaging pulse farmers, agronomists and industry into action research and a route into the NCS project’s active Pulse PEP community

b) Contributing to the confidence and knowledge base for achieving higher pulse crop yields more reliably, thereby helping to increase the area of pulse crops grown in the UK. 

c) Provide a standardised way to capture agronomy, soil and crop data for the project to calculate carbon footprints and life cycle analysis associated with growing pulses. 

If this is something that sounds interesting to you then join by clicking below:

Alternatively, contact or Anybody can join up to mid-June. For most entrants we will be able to arrange participation at no cost via sponsorship.

Farm Carbon Toolkit are holding a competition for the Carbon Farmer of the Year! Think this could be you or know of a farm you could nominate? Find out more information here or click here to enter or nominate a farm now!

If you have interest in the work that Far Carbon Toolkit does, make sure to attend the Farm Carbon Toolkit Annual Field Day 2023 – Thursday 21st September. Find out more information here!

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